Lowongan Pekerjaan Pustakawan Sekolah

Profil Perusahaan:

Sekolah Mutiara Harapan and Global and Taruna schools are APRIL International/ National schools from Kindergarten to High School based in Pangkalan Kerinci-Riau, Sumatera.
Our schools maintain extremely high academic standards. We are committed to providing a strong International education within the framework of the IBO PYP and the Indonesian National Curriculum.
For further information on APRIL, please refer to: http://www.aprilasia.com


Due to phenomenal growth, we invite qualified and highly-motivated people to fill the positions of :
CLASS Teachers
Bahasa Teachers
Physical Education Teachers
Art Teacher
As a minimum, candidates must posses the following qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree(S-1) from reputable university.
IBO PYP experience preferred, but not required.
Fluency in English, both speaking and writing.

Please send your CV, Salary Expectations and Photo to: willard_ore@aprilasia.com and “CC”to lei_suang@aprilasia.com


  1. coba hubungi langsung pihak sekolahnya lewat email atau no telp yang saya cantumkan di postingan tersebut pak.thanks…


  2. klo ada panggilan interview dari luar daerah (kek postingan diatas), kita dibiayain PP atau bayar sendiri c?


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